Database Maintenance - Downtime Expected
Scheduled for Jul 3, 01:00 - 04:00 PDT
We will be performing scheduled database maintenance to upgrade our infrastructure for improved performance and sustainability. This maintenance is a part of our ongoing commitment to reducing our carbon footprint by adopting greener technologies. During this time, there will be a brief period of downtime.

Maintenance Details:
Date: July 3, 2024
Time: 0100 HRS PDT
Duration: 3 hours

Impact on Services:
Our services will be unavailable for the duration of the maintenance window. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards a more sustainable future.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this maintenance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our technical support team.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.
Posted Jun 28, 2024 - 06:07 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affects: AWS (AWS rds-us-west-2, AWS rds-us-west-2, AWS ec2-us-west-2, AWS s3-us-standard, AWS rds-eu-west-2, AWS route53) and DairyQueen, DairyQueen Auth, DairyQueen Dashboard, DairyQueen POS.